BOSTON — Environment America launched its 2023 campaign for 100% renewable energy in five states on Thursday. As policymakers across the country craft their legislative agendas, the group and its state partners will make the case that state-level commitments to 100% clean and renewable power should be a priority for lawmakers in 2023.
“States are America’s renewable energy pioneers and given the rapid growth of solar and wind power nationwide, setting a concrete timeline to stop using fossil fuels and instead use 100% clean energy is more feasible than ever,” said Johanna Neumann, senior director of Environment America’s Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy. “We need to stop producing power from dirty energy sources that make our kids sick and dangerously warm our planet. Setting the course to 100% renewable energy should top lawmakers’ to-do list.”
In 2023, Environment America and its partner groups will campaign for legislators to adopt statewide 100% clean or renewable goals in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Texas. Meanwhile, Environment Georgia is working with city leaders to set municipal 100% renewable energy goals.
Environment America and its network of state Environment groups launched its 100% Renewable Campaign in 2018 and played a key role in securing California’s landmark commitment to 100% clean electricity that same year. Since then, the organization has successfully campaigned for New Mexico, Maine, Washington, Virginia, Oregon and Rhode Island to commit to 100% clean or renewable electricity as well. To date, 10 states have pledged to reach 100%. Environment America will continue to press for additional binding statewide commitments to clean energy that include meaningful interim targets for growing renewables.
“The answer is blowing in the wind and radiating from the sun. Renewable energy is taking off from coast to coast because it just makes sense,” said Neumann. “The technology, capacity and incentives to power our nation with renewable energy are at our fingertips. By committing to 100% renewable energy goals, it gives everyone the signal to go forth and build a renewable future.”
The following groups and staff are playing key roles in promoting 100% clean and renewable energy in their respective states. They are available for additional information and interviews:
Chris Phelps, (860) 231-8842, [email protected], is the director of Environment Connecticut. Environment Connecticut is calling for legislation to align the state’s renewable energy portfolio targets up with the state’s requirement, enacted in 2022, to get 100% of Connecticut’s electricity from clean sources by 2040.
Ben Hellerstein, (617) 747-4368, [email protected], is the director of Environment Massachusetts. This session, Hellerstein and allies are supporting the 100% Clean Act (HD.3348), filed by state Reps. Marjorie Decker and Sean Garballey. The bill will put Massachusetts on track to achieve 100% clean electricity by 2035 and 100% clean energy for heating and transportation by 2045.
Johanna Neumann, (413) 367-4794, [email protected], is the Senior Director of the Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy for Environment Minnesota as well as for Environment America. Minnesota’s 100% bill, HF7, is setting a target for the state to get 100% of its electricity from clean energy by 2040. The bill passed the Minnesota House of Representatives by a vote of 70-60 on January 27 and now heads to the state Senate. The proposal has the support of Gov. Tim Walz.
Doug O’Malley, (917) 449-6812, [email protected], is the director of Environment New Jersey. Environment New Jersey supports strengthening S2978/A4658, which will provide 100% clean, zero-carbon energy by 2035 and help implement New Jersey’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) laid out in the 2018 Clean Energy Act of 50% clean, renewable energy by 2030. The bill comes as part of an effort to implement Gov. Phil Murphy’s Executive Order 274 to reduce climate pollutants by 50% by 2030 and implement the state’s Global Warming Response Act (GWRA), which requires a 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050.
David Masur, (267) 303-8292, [email protected], is the executive director of PennEnvironment. This session, state legislators will reintroduce legislation in both the House and Senate to transition the commonwealth to 100% renewable energy by 2050. State Rep. Chris Rabb has championed the bill since its initial introduction in 2018 and is sponsoring the House version once again. The bill will be reintroduced by Sens. Amanda Cappelletti and Katie Muth in the state Senate. In the 2021-2022 session, the bill had 73 Democrat and Republican cosponsors.
Luke Metzger, (512) 743-8257, [email protected], is the executive director of Environment Texas. Environment Texas supports a statewide commitment to 100% clean and renewable electricity. The group worked with state Rep. Gervin-Hawkins to introduce HB1013, which would codify a statewide goal of 50% renewable by 2030 and 100% renewable by 2050. Environment Texas is also fighting efforts in the legislature to make renewable energy more expensive and is working to get Texas cities in the deregulated electric market to offer a public option to residents to get 100% renewable electricity.
Jennette Gayer, (404) 370-1764, [email protected], is the director of Environment Georgia. Environment Georgia is driving the adoption and implementation of 100% clean and renewable energy commitments in many of Georgia’s largest cities.