Fishing, rafting in Browns Canyon protected for future generations
Environment America
Chicago, Ill. — Browns Canyon, a popular spot for trout fishing and whitewater rafting in central Colorado, along with historical sites in Hawaii and Illinois, will gain permanent protection as National Monuments at a ceremony here today. President Obama’s action preserves more than 20,000 rugged canyon acres surrounding the Arkansas River, a beloved area home to gold medal trout, black bears, and stunning vistas. Margie Alt, Environment America’s Executive Director, issued the following statement in response:
“We’re lucky to live in a nation with such a vibrant natural and cultural history, and we applaud the president for preserving pieces of our past and protecting landscapes for our future.”
“This stretch of the Arkansas River is one of America’s great natural treasures. We’re thrilled Browns Canyon will be protected forever, and that future generations will have the chance for the same stunning views and opportunities to raft, hike, and fish that so many enjoy today.
“Environment America will continue to work with the administration and Congress to keep pristine public lands and waters off limits to development, mining, drilling, and pollution. Future generations of Americans and the wildlife that depend on these areas deserve nothing less.”