House Votes for Dirtier Water and More Dirty Energy
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Environment America
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. House passed the Fiscal Year 2012 Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill (HR 2354). The bill would make large cuts the Department of Energy budget, especially to energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. Amendments to the bill also block any funding for implementing new energy efficiency standards for light bulbs and the Weatherisation Assistance Program which retrofits homes to be more energy efficient. In addition, riders attached to the bill would block the Army Corps of Engineers from implementing new Clean Water Act protections for streams and wetlands across the country.
Sean Garren, Clean Energy Advocate for Environment America, said:
“The Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill guts sensible and effective programs that are helping citizens and businesses save energy, reduce pollution and shift to clean energy. Additionally, it assaults important protections for our nation’s waterways and drinking water. We are disappointed that the House passed such a backwards thinking bill.
“The bill would cut the energy efficiency and renewable energy programs at the Department of Energy by 27 percent and shift those resources to fund polluting and risky energy sources, like fossil fuels and nuclear power. It also blocks funding from important programs to save consumers money on their electric and heating bills through weatherizing homes and more energy efficient light bulbs.
“In addition, the bill endangers our nation’s rivers, lakes, bays, wetlands and streams that are vital to our health and economy. Specifically, this bill puts the drinking water of 117 million Americans at risk by blocking the Corps from restoring Clean Water Act protections to streams and wetlands across the country.
“At a time when our energy system is dirty, dangerous and expensive, and our waterways are plagued by pollution and drought, the House is only digging the hole deeper. Americans want clean energy, clean water to drink and swim in, and real solutions from Congress to help reach those goals.”