President Obama’s support for Arctic drilling is incompatible with urgent need to act on climate

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Rachel Richardson

Environment America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, President Obama began his three day tour through Alaska to highlight the urgent need to take action on climate change.

Rachel Richardson, Director of Environment America’s Stop Drilling Program, issued the following statement:

“President Obama has shown real commitment to fighting global warming, recently announcing major solar initiatives and regulations to tackle pollution from dirty power plants as well as leadership on the national stage in anticipation of climate talks in Paris. So it’s unconscionable the Administration continues to greenlight Shell’s reckless and dangerous plans to drill the Arctic.”

“Drilling in the Arctic is not the way to stop global warming, and the harsh conditions of the area would make a spill nearly impossible to clean up. One-fifth of the world’s polar bear population as well as beluga whales, ice seals and other precious marine life that call the Arctic home are all put at risk by the President’s decision.”

“While President Obama is in Alaska emphasizing the urgent need to address climate change, he should follow through on his commitment to acting on climate and immediately force Shell out of the Arctic.”