Senators protect new parks & national monuments, America’s ‘best idea’
Environment America
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) failed to curtail future national monuments such as the Grand Canyon and the Statue of Liberty today, when his fellow senators rejected his amendment to the Senate’s omnibus energy bill. Sen. Lee had sought to block the practice of creating national monuments used by Democratic and Republican presidents alike for more than 100 years, beginning with Teddy Roosevelt. Environment America executive director Margie Alt issued this statement:
“Our parks and national monuments – from the Grand Canyon to the Statue of Liberty – are the pride of every American. The decision to protect these treasured landscapes doesn’t come lightly, with multiple comment periods, public meetings and hearings, and scientific studies leading up to each national monument designation. We’re pleased to see senators protect America’s best idea, and reject this attempt to open up our lands to the short term gain of a few special interests, rather than the long-term benefit of all Americans.”