Media Contacts
Ben Sonnega
Taran Volckhausen
Former Communications Associate, The Public Interest Network
Environment America
WASHINGTON — In a win for water conservation and consumers, the Department of Energy announced Friday the reversal of a Trump-era rule that had scaled back showerhead efficiency standards.
The Trump administration’s rule changed a 2.5 gallon-per-minute maximum flow rate set by Congress in the 1990s. By walking back efficiency standards for showerheads, the rule led to increased water use and costs to consumers. The previous standard had saved 4.3 trillion gallons of water through 2020 as well as $111.1 billion dollars in energy and water bills.
In response, Environment America Renewable Energy Advocate Ben Sonnega issued the following statement:
“We are happy that the Department of Energy is taking the appropriate action to undo a harmful rule change for our planet and consumers. Reinstating smart efficiency standards for showerheads is a no-brainer. This decision will not only save precious water resources, but also energy and dollars as well. As we work to transition away from dirty fossil fuels that pollute our water and warm our planet, water and energy savings are more important than ever. ”