States around the nation plug-in to electric buses

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Environment America

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Burlingame, CA – Environment America and Proterra, a leading innovator in heavy-duty, electric transportation in Silicon Valley, hosted delegations from ten states around the nation for a tour of Proterra’s headquarters and battery manufacturing facility, and a discussion on the state of the industry and hastening the transition to zero carbon transportation.

The event helped kick off the Global Climate Action Summit, an international gathering highlighting the commitment of states, localities and businesses to reduce planet-warming carbon pollution.

“Transportation is now the number one source of carbon pollution in the United States. By transitioning quickly to all-electric buses, we can clean the air we breathe and reduce the risks of global warming,” said Andrea McGimsey, senior director of Global Warming Solutions for Environment America. “We are delighted to welcome representatives from North Carolina and Georgia to Washington, and from New Jersey to Silicon Valley to collaborate on this innovative, exciting transition to zero carbon transportation.”

States and localities throughout the United States are considering a transition of their municipal and state bus fleets to battery-electric vehicles. Recently, King County, Washington — which includes the city of Seattle — committed to electrifying its fleet by 2040. Northeastern and mid-Atlantic states are collaborating on policies to reduce carbon pollution from the transportation sector, and this year they have been hosting listening sessions on the Transportation and Climate Initiative throughout the region. From coast to coast, the country is primed to transition to battery electric vehicles, including school and municipal buses.

“Diesel buses threaten our families’ well-being by contributing to a number of health concerns, including asthma and cancer,” said Alana Miller, policy analyst at Frontier Group and coauthor of the report Electric Buses: Clean Transportation for Healthier Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air, “Our report shows that all-electric buses are an increasingly viable solution.”

Proterra is a leader in the design and manufacture of zero-emission, heavy-duty vehicles, enabling bus fleet operators to significantly reduce operating costs while delivering clean transportation to local communities across North America.

“We welcome the opportunity to share our expertise on heavy duty electric transportation with such a diverse group of officials from around the nation today,” said Ryan Popple, Proterra CEO, “As momentum continues to build for electric transportation and more cities make 100 percent electric transit fleet commitments, we look forward to building a cleaner, healthier future together.”

“The health impacts of air pollution and climate change are affecting our communities now, and it’s getting harder and harder to ignore,” concluded McGimsey. “States and cities across the country are tackling the problem of polluting vehicles, and they are working towards a zero carbon transportation future.”

Environment America and its state partners are hosting another event tomorrow at the Global Climate Action Summit, Red States Rising: Climate Action in the Southeast, which will focus on actions that Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia have taken to reduce planet-warming pollution.