Environment America
“Instead of risking our coasts, President Trump should pay attention to the thousands of citizens, fishermen, and business owners along the Atlantic Coast and the millions of Americans from Alaska to Maine who have already said no to offshore drilling.”
— Rachel Richardson, Environment America
Washington, D.C. — Today, President Trump is expected to sign an executive order directing the Secretary of Interior to revise or initiate a new five year program for oil and gas development on the Outer Continental Shelf.
“Our coasts and oceans are home to stunning wildlife, beautiful beaches and support a robust tourism economy, all things that stand to lose from offshore drilling. The President’s action opens the door to expanded drilling into our public waters – a move that goes against the values a majority of Americans share: that our oceans should be preserved, not sold off to the highest bidder.”
“Instead of risking our coasts, President Trump should pay attention to the thousands of citizens, fishermen, and business owners along the Atlantic Coast and the millions of Americans from Alaska to Maine who have already said no to offshore drilling. Today’s action is the wrong decision and we will continue fighting in whatever venue it takes to block proposals to drill off our coasts.”
“Seven years after BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig exploded causing the most massive oil spill in history, businesses, communities, and wildlife in the Gulf region have yet to fully recover. This order exposes all of our oceans to similar risk of disaster.”
“To make matters worse, we are already experiencing record sea-level rise and extreme weather events fueled by climate change. We must not dig that hole any deeper by opening new areas to more drilling.”
Environment America is the national federation of statewide, citizen-based advocacy organizations working for a cleaner, greener, healthier future.