Whales’ baleen holds clues about the species’ reaction to whaling
A forgotton collection of baleen helped Smithsonian scientist discover evidence of the stress caused by a resumption of whaling.
A forgotton collection of baleen helped Smithsonian scientist discover evidence of the stress caused by a resumption of whaling.
Massachusetts, Nevada, and Hawaii are developing energy storage. Here’s why that is so important.
Success Stories webinar spreads inspiration; gathers advocates and industry experts together to discuss future of clean energy
Plastic Bag Bans Work, a new report released Thursday by U.S. PIRG Education Fund, Environment America Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group, estimates that, on average, plastic bag bans similar to those studied can eliminate almost 300 single-use plastic bags per person, per year.
Solar hits new monthly high and outpaces all other energy sources when it comes to new capacity added in November 2023.