Is offshore wind killing whales?
Separating fact from fiction when it comes to offshore wind’s impacts on whales
Home to diverse wildlife from the smallest krill to the biggest whale, our country’s oceans — and the ecosystems they support — are worth preserving for future generations.
Separating fact from fiction when it comes to offshore wind’s impacts on whales
With the health of the ocean under threat more than ever before, the need for action has never been greater. Marine protected areas must be a key part of that action.
As summer kicks into high gear and more families are hitting lakes and beaches around the country, the last thing on their minds is potential dangers lurking in the water.
Florida’s deep coral reef, protected in ‘80s, faces prospect of destructive shrimp trawling once again
In a victory for marine life, climate, Biden administration cancels three oil leases in ocean waters.
WASHINGTON – Taking action to protect ocean wildlife and U.S. coasts, the Biden administration on Wednesday ditched plans for three offshore oil and gas lease sales.