Timothy Schaefer
Environment Minnesota
Media Contacts: Timothy Schaefer, [email protected], (o) (612) 331-8404
Mark Morgenstein, [email protected], (o) 303-573-5556
MINNEAPOLIS — Environment America Action Fund (EAAF) and Environment Minnesota are thrilled to congratulate Congressman-elect Dean Phillips on his big win in the state’s 3rd Congressional District.
Environment America Action Fund endorsed and helped elect Phillips as part of EAAF’s GreenHouse Project, which strategically selected U.S. House races in 10 swing districts across the country where voters had clear choices between pro-environment candidates and candidates who were against environmental protections.
“In the Land of 10,000 Lakes, almost nothing is as sacred as the Boundary Waters, but the federal government is trying to roll back clean water laws that were passed with broad bipartisan support,” said Timothy Schaefer, Environment Minnesota state director. “We knew it was critical for Minnesotans to have someone such as Phillips, who has been a sustainability-minded business leader, representing us on Capitol Hill. Our team is excited about his victory and we look forward to working with the congressman-elect on everything from energy efficiency to thwarting climate change.”
Environment America Action Fund delivered upwards of 81,000 pieces of direct mail and about 1.3 million digital impressions to environmentally-motivated persuadable voters in the 3rd Congressional District and then followed up with telephone reminders to these same voters, helping to elect Phillips to Congress.
Environment America Action Fund works to protect our environment by supporting candidates for public office who champion clean air, clean water, wilderness preservation, and strong action to address global warming. The Environment America Action Fund is a part of the Environment America family of organizations.
Environment America is the national federation of statewide, citizen-based advocacy organizations working for a cleaner, greener, healthier future including Environment Minnesota.
Environment Minnesota is dedicated to protecting the air, water and open spaces of Minnesota.
All three organizations are part of the of The Public Interest Network, which runs organizations committed to our vision of a better world, a set of core values, and a strategic approach to getting things done..
Paid for by Environment America Action Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contact us at www.environmentamericaactionfund.org