Join us weekly for Conservation Conversations

Environment Maryland and Environment Missouri are working together to open up the conversation about our environment while providing fun activities for adults and young adults. Join us on Thursdays at 6:oo pm CST!

Bridget Sanderson

Former State Director, Environment Missouri

As people across the United States are preparing for weeks of schedule changes, working and learning from home we wanted to help soothe some of the angst we are all feeling during the current global health crisis. The current state of our health, alongside our family members, friends, and neighbors is a top priority and is causing anxiety for so many of us. We believe that nature nurtures us – emotionally, physically, and mentally and during times like these, it can be more important than ever to turn to nature for some relief. 

Environment Maryland and Environment Missouri are working together to open up conversations surrounding our environment and provide activities for adults and young adults across the nation. Let us introduce Conservation Conversations!

We will be holding a weekly webinar on Thursdays starting at 6:00 pm CST based on a different environmental theme. This week we will be discussing Nature in Your Neighborhood. Our coalition partner Kristen Bontrager, native plant ecologist, will be providing information on native plants and how they are the more sustainable option, helping with stormwater issues, soil health, while providing critical habitat for pollinators. She’ll also give you tips and tricks to plant some in your yard, and she’ll teach us how to identify native plants in our communities. Have questions about native plants? We’ll save time after Kristen’s talk to answer them!

Grab a drink, cocktail, tea, or water, and sit down with us to join in the conversation! We hope to see you all there.

Topic: Conservation Conversations

Time: Apr 2, 2020 6:00-7:00 PM CT

To join:

Meeting ID: 156 730 338


Bridget Sanderson

Former State Director, Environment Missouri