On Earth Day, Skye Borden calls for action on plastic pollution in Missoula Current

Earth Day is a day to celebrate and protect our air, water and land. For State Director Skye Borden, it also kicked off Environment Montana’s summerlong effort to examine the impact of plastic pollution.

On April 22, Skye and her staff tested the first of the 50 river access sites across the state for microplastics, the tiny particles that result when plastics break apart in our environment.

“Since 1970, the year of the first Earth Day, global plastic production has increased more than tenfold. Worse, plastic waste is expected to more than triple by 2050,” wrote Skye in the Missoula Current. “Because plastic doesn’t degrade for hundreds of years, its impact on our rivers and wildlife will outlive us all. But Earth Day reminds us we can change our fate.”

Skye’s team will continue to visit Montana’s many beautiful waterways this summer to collect samples. If you see her on the river, stop by and say hello.

Read Skye’s op-ed.

Photo: Environment Montana State Director Skye Borden. Credit: Small Axe Productions.