Hotter Summers Coming to Montana

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Skye Borden

Environment Montana

Missoula, MT – Environment Montana is marking the first day of summer by urging leaders at all levels of government to tackle climate change. According to scientists at Climate Central, global warming pollution will fuel even hotter summers in the future. Summer temperatures in Montana are already 1.6 degrees hotter now, on average, than in the 1970s. Without action to eliminate global warming pollution, summer temperatures here in Montana could rise more than 12 degrees by the end of the century. That would make summer days in Billings feel more like they do now in Pharr, TX.

“With much hotter summers in our future, going to Flathead Lake won’t be enough to beat the heat,” said Environment Montana director Skye Borden. “Grab your phone along with your sunscreen and your water bottle, and then call your elected representatives. Ask them to cut pollution and shift us towards 100 percent clean, renewable energy.”

Hotter temperatures put our health at risk. Extreme or long-lasting heat can overwhelm our bodies’ ability to cool, resulting in potentially severe problems like heat exhaustion. Infants, children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable.

Hotter summer days also mean unhealthy air. In 2015, Missoula, Kalispell, and Helena each had five or more smog days where the air was unhealthy to breathe. Smog forms when pollution from dirty fuels or chemicals mix in sunlight. Breathing it can cause a wide range of health problems, from asthma attacks to respiratory illness.

“Here in Montana, the last thing we need is more air pollution and sweltering summer days,” said Skye Borden. “We can protect our health and our summers by cutting dangerous pollution and moving to clean, renewable energy.”

Senator Tester must stand up for healthier summers and support protections for our air, water, and climate. 


Environment Montana is a statewide, citizen-funded advocacy group. We work to protect the places we love and promote core environmental values, such as clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and clean energy. Our Missoula-based staff focuses on timely, targeted action that wins tangible improvements in the quality of our environment and our lives.