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Where the buffalo roamed, and could once again
The Indian Buffalo Management Act: An important proposal to increase the presence of bison on native lands.
How coal mining harms the environment
Coal mining harms our lands, waters, and wildlife even before burning contributes to coal air pollution and climate change
STATEMENT: House passes Interior Appropriations Bill
Bill passed Wednesday would harm wildlife, public lands, oceans and more
A bill to strip the gray wolf of (needed) protections
The U.S. House passed a bill to remove Endangered Species Act protections for the gray wolf. Precedent tells us that if this becomes law, it could prove fatal for wolf recovery efforts.
Southern plains bumblebee in need of help
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering 10 new additions to the list of species protected by the Endangered Species Act. The southern plains bumblebee is one of them.