Does offshore wind actually kill birds?
Offshore wind turbines can harm birds – thankfully, we have solutions that can minimize harm and maximize wind’s benefits
Offshore wind turbines can harm birds – thankfully, we have solutions that can minimize harm and maximize wind’s benefits
Energy Conservation & Efficiency
Energy Conservation & Efficiency
The latest winter counts for this beautiful butterfly aren't pretty, providing new evidence that Endangered Species Act protections are needed.
For years, companies sold farmers fertilizer tainted with toxic chemicals called PFAS. We need to stand with farmers and hold these companies accountable.
Solar made up 81% of new energy generating capacity that came online during the first eleven months of 2024
Energy Conservation & Efficiency
According to new 2024 data, Americans are buying 37% more heat pumps than gas furnaces
Getting lead out of our water supplies is essential to protect children's health. A few leading cities are showing how it can be done.