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Levi Kamolnick
Environment Nevada
Environment Nevada State Director Levi Kamolnick spoke at a listening session today, held by the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as state regulators finalize clean car regulations as ordered by the Governor last June.
“My name is Levi Kamolnick here with Environment Nevada, we advocate for policies that protect clean air, clean water, and open spaces for all Nevadans. I want to thank the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for holding these listening sessions and of course Governor Sisolak for launching the effort last year to adopt new clean car regulations in Nevada.
I want to urge the administration to move forward and adopt both Low Emission Vehicle standards as well as Zero Emission Vehicle Standards. Given the fourteen states that have adopted Low Emission Vehicle Standards and the eleven that have adopted zero emission vehicle standards, we know conclusively the benefits of adopting these regulations and that they have successfully increased the availability of clean cars in the states where these regulations have been adopted.
I also want to caution the administration to adopt rules that exclude a proportional credit provision that would allow automakers to circumvent clean car sales in Nevada in exchange for sales in other states. Such a provision would deny many of the benefits clean car standards offer Nevadans and should not be included in the finalized regulations.
And before I finish, I just want to stress again what an important step this would be for Nevada. Whatever the agenda of the incoming president, Nevadans can’t wait to move forward. And Clean car standards are an important and necessary step toward a smogless future. Thank you again for the opportunity to provide input in the process.”