Countdown to Earth Day
Join Environment America in counting down to Earth Day with daily activities to celebrate and explore nature.

Since 1970, April 22nd has been celebrated as Earth Day, a day we celebrate the wonder of our planet and learn how to protect it. From the majesty of the Grand Canyon to the simple beauty of the tree-lined city street I live on, we could all use more nature in our lives. Some years, I have spent Earth Day doing a park or river cleanup with neighbors. I’ve also gone for a hike or just visited a local park.
To celebrate the 51st Earth Day, I wanted to share activities that kids and adults can do to celebrate and explore nature. Here are my favorites, one for each day starting April 1st through April 22nd, Earth Day. I hope you’ll join me!

Use recycled materials to make a paper chain to countdown to Earth Day 2021!
Spend 5 minutes observing nature in your neighborhood. Share what you observe with us on social media using #natureintheneighborhood.
Put up the Earth Day window sign.
Share the Greener Together Earth Day curriculum with a teacher you know.
Get your spring garden kit at the Environment America campaign store and make your garden pollinator friendly.
Play Earth Day BINGO.
It’s time for spring cleaning! Watch The Story of Stuff and search for treasures in your junk drawer.
April 8th: Join a special Earth Day Conservation Conversations.
Make art inspired by nature you observe in your neighborhood.
Read a book about nature. For inspiration check out the list of Environment America staff picks or our nature themed children’s book recommendations.
Try to repair a broken toy, gadget or a picture frame. Discuss with your household how repair cuts waste.
Create a self-portrait out of leaves, sticks and other foraged materials.
Make seed balls with seeds native to where you live.
Color one of the Greener Together coloring pages.
Make a homemade bird feeder.
April 16: Join the United States against plastic event
Make art inspired by your favorite animals in need greater protections, such as bees, sea turtles and orcas.
Become energy waste detectives by using our citizen’s guide to reducing energy waste.
Look for birds in your neighborhood or local park. Use our birding for beginners guide with tips for how to get started.
Write a poem about your favorite place in nature. Share your poem with us on social media.

Header photo: Gary Eichin from Pixabay
Ellen Montgomery
Director, Public Lands Campaign, Environment America
Ellen runs campaigns to protect America's beautiful places, from local beachfronts to remote mountain peaks. She sits on the Steering Committee of the Arctic Defense Campaign and co-coordinates the Climate Forests Campaign. Ellen previously worked as the organizing director for Environment America’s Climate Defenders campaign and managed grassroots campaign offices across the country. Ellen lives in Denver, where she likes to hike in Colorado's mountains.