President Biden Delivers with $292 Million Bipartisan Infrastructure Fund Grant for the Hudson Gateway Tunnel

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Trenton — President Biden visited New York City, joining Transportation Secretary Buttigieg, Gov. Phil Murphy and NJ Congressional delegation members to announce the first federal grant for the Hudson Gateway Tunnel project, which will construct new train tunnels underneath the Hudson to segment the current tunnels, built before the Titanic sailed, and heavily damaged during Hurricane Sandy flooding. The $292 million grant, which is funded from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will be used to complete the Hudson Yards section of the train tunnel, which will protect the path of the new Gateway Tunnel.  Gateway is the critical link for NJ Transit commuter trains and will allow more trains to have a one-stop ride into New York. The legislation passed with the bipartisan support of every New Jersey Congressional delegation member; the Northeast Corridor alone supports more than 800,000 passenger trips daily, which relies on Hudson River train tunnels remaining open.

In response to the news, Environment New Jersey Director Doug O’Malley issued this statement:

“The Gateway Tunnel is the epitome of the critical infrastructure that our nation needs to build to ensure mass transit is a viable option for millions of straphangers. The original Hudson River train tunnels were built before the Titanic sailed the seas, and are horrifically corroded by Hurricane Sandy. We are living on borrowed time – that’s why Gateway is so critical.

The passage of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a game-changer for Gateway and this grant literally will break ground on the first steps of the project to start construction of the new rail tunnel through Hudson Yards. New Jersey’s entire Congressional delegation supported this legislation – it’s a testament that expanding mass transit is a bipartisan issue in the most densely populated state in America.”

