Fracking banned in the Delaware River watershed
For 15 million people, drinking water will stay fracking-free.
For 15 million people, drinking water will stay fracking-free.
On Feb. 25, the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) finalized a decision to ban fracking within the Delaware River watershed. For more than a decade, Environment New Jersey has presented the DRBC with documentation of fracking threats to clean water. Environment New Jersey also rallied thousands to support the fracking ban, which will protect the wildlife and the water where people swim, fish, play and source drinking water. The DRBC listened.
“This is a great day for the Delaware River and our precious drinking water, and we thank Gov. Phil Murphy, who called for this action more than two years ago,” said Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey state director.
“We look forward to working with the DBRC on whatever further steps are needed to protect the Delaware from all drilling-related activities,” added Doug.
Read more about the ban.
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Photo: The watershed provides drinking water for more than 15 million people, and a home for wildlife, scenic views and opportunities for fishing, swimming and hiking Credit: Jon Bilous via Shutterstock