Biking, walking & transit
To protect clean air and our environment, we’re working to build a country where people can get around without relying on polluting cars.
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Electric buses may be coming to a city near you
With air pollution plaguing much of America this summer, communities are embracing clean buses
NJ Transit needs a Dedicated Source of Funding to Electrify its Bus Fleet
Testimony delivered at NJ Transit's Board Meeting on October 20, 2021.
NJ Transit Commits To Meeting Electric Bus Mandate
During a NJ Transit Energy & Sustainability Committee meeting, NJ Transit staff and President Kevin Corbett committed to meeting the mandate for the electrification for NJ Transit buses through S2252/A4819, signed into law by Governor Murphy in January 2020. As outlined in the legislation, 10% of bus procurement will be in 2024, 50% of new bus procurement in 2026 and 100% in 2032.
Webinar Outlines Urgent Need For NJ Transit’s Transition to Electric Buses
Transitioning to a fully electric bus fleet will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions in New Jersey, but also result in significant savings for the state, according to a webinar by Environment New Jersey Research & Policy Center and New Jersey Policy Perspective. Electric buses require less maintenance and fuel, which should help offset the cost of purchasing new, zero-emission buses and batteries.
New report outlines how utility companies can help pay for electric school bus rollout
The vast majority of school buses in the United States and New Jersey run on diesel, a climate-polluting fossil fuel that releases toxic fumes linked to life-threatening health problems such as asthma, bronchitis and cancer. Zero-emission electric school buses provide a much cleaner, health-protective alternative. A new report identifies cutting-edge ways utility companies can assist school districts in paying for zero-emission bus rollouts and charging infrastructure, and how schools can reap the long-term benefits.