Rally Outside of Rep. Frelinghuysen’s Office Calls on Congressman To Listen To His Constituents in His Final 11 Months of Office
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Environment New Jersey
Morristown – This morning, a crowd of activists gathered outside of Congressman’s Frelinghuysen’s office in the days after this announcement that he was retiring to urge him to truly listen to his constituents in his final 11 months in the office, and brought up the critical nature of the federal budget, including the importance of full funding for EPA and funding for Superfund clean-ups, enforcement, research and funding for state environmental work. President Trump’s initial budget proposal called for a 31% cut in EPA’s funding levels and the House, with Rep. Frelinghuysen’s vote this fall, passed a budget with more than $500 million cuts to EPA.
Congressman Frelinghuysen failed to hold an open town hall meeting last year, despite record interest and activism in the district, and his office was initially openly dismissive of activists. The Congressman made himself scarce at public events, and ended up canceled his traditional Superfund tour of the district.
Environment New Jersey Director Doug O’Malley, who attended the event, released the following statement in reaction to the news:
“Congressman Frelinghuysen clearly has been trying to walk a tightrope during the last year in public office as he balanced the demands of his constituents and the proposed rollbacks, especially on the environment, from the Trump Administration. Clearly, that tightrope balancing act wasn’t working.
The Congressman’s voice on the environment is now more important than ever. With his final 11 months in office, we urge the Congressman to prioritize the concerns of his constituents on the impacts of the EPA budget and the importance of stopping the gutting of EPA funding for enforcement, research and all Superfund clean-ups. Cuts to EPA’s budget will also cut back on our state environmental programs too.
We urge the Congressman, with his final months in office, to publicly oppose all cuts to EPA’s funding.”