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Statement: AIG Announces Climate Goals; Commits To No New Investment Or Insurance For Dirtiest Energy Sources

Wildlife & wild places

Statement: AIG Announces Climate Goals; Commits To No New Investment Or Insurance For Dirtiest Energy Sources

AIG announced several commitments on Tuesday in line with an overall plan “to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its global underwriting and investment portfolios by 2050, or sooner.” Along with other pledges, AIG said it will no longer invest in or provide insurance for any new energy exploration activities in the Arctic. As the first major U.S. insurance company to make such an announcement, AIG joins the six largest banks in the United States and Canada’s five largest banks in declining to help oil and gas companies do business in the Arctic.

Media Statements  

What are Scope 3 emissions?

Global warming solutions

What are Scope 3 emissions?

Scope 3 emissions are a hidden climate culprit. Companies are hesitant to report the impacts of their supply chain, which could represent the majority of their carbon footprint.

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