Broad support for Gov. Cuomo’s commitment to cut global warming pollution
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Environment New York
Governor Andrew Cuomo delivered his annual State of the State Address yesterday calling for strengthening the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the Northeast region’s cap on power plan pollution and a stronger commitment to the state’s solar programs. In response Eric Whalen, field organizer for Environment New York, issued the following statement:
“We applaud Gov. Cuomo’s call for strengthening RGGI, the region’s cap on carbon pollution from power plants, and a more durable commitment to solar energy. We have a lot of work to do helping people put their homes and their lives back together. At the same time, let’s heed nature’s latest reminder of what a warming planet has in store for us and take action to reduce carbon pollution, shift to renewable energy, slow global warming, slow the rise of our oceans, and leave our children a safer planet.”
“The majority of New Yorkers have connected the dots. Most of us understand that more extreme weather is becoming more common, the planet is warming, and fossil fuel pollution is behind much of it. Most of us also know that we — as Americans and as New Yorkers — can do better. We can reduce the pollution that’s behind global warming and there is broad support for building on the state’s progress by strengthening RGGI.”
“We look forward to working with Gov. Cuomo and other New York leaders to move the state toward more solar energy and more wind power and less dependence on oil, gas and coal.”