Media Contacts
Heather Leibowitz
Environment New York
“The states have long been leading the way on clean energy and clean cars, and this announcement shows they will continue to do so.”
— Heather Leibowitz, Environment New York
NEW YORK, NY — A bipartisan group of 17 governors announced a new initiative today to commit states across the country to advancing clean energy, encouraging clean transportation, and modernizing energy infrastructure. The Governors Accord for a New Energy Future follows a Supreme Court ruling last week to temporarily block the Clean Power Plan, the centerpiece of the U.S. strategy to tackle global warming that encourages states to develop clean, renewable energy. The states signed onto the accord are California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.
Heather Leibowitz, director of Environment New York, issued this statement:
“The states have long been leading the way on clean energy and clean cars, and this announcement shows they will continue to do so. While the court may have temporarily blocked the Clean Power Plan, it can’t block progress toward wind and solar energy, affordable electric vehicles, and a more modern and efficient electric grid. Kudos to these governors for pledging to forge a path forward for climate progress and clean air.”