More rooftop solar, less red tape
In many communities, it can take days, weeks or even months to get a straightforward rooftop solar installation approved. It doesn't need to be this way.
Legislation to make it easier for interested New Yorkers to install solar systems and energy storage systems is moving in Albany.
A bill that would make getting a permit for most residential rooftop solar installations in New York a lot less cumbersome is gaining traction in Albany.
A. 9626/S. 8415 (Cunningham/Harckham), which would require municipalities with a population of 5,000 or more to implement the automated permitting platform SolarAPP+ for permits for residential solar systems and residential energy storage systems paired with solar systems by January 1, 2026. The bill has passed out of a key Senate committee and is now under consideration on the Senate floor.
“New York needs more rooftop solar, and less red tape,” said Johanna Neumann, Senior Director, Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy. “This legislation will help make it cheaper, faster and hassle-free for New Yorkers to go solar.”
Environment New York is circulating a memo of support to lawmakers in Albany to urge them to pass the bill.
In many communities, it can take days, weeks or even months to get a straightforward rooftop solar installation approved. It doesn't need to be this way.
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Energy Conservation & Efficiency
Energy Conservation & Efficiency