Myrtle the Turtle: Teaching the dangers of plastic pollution one page at a time
Myrtle the Turtle needs your help defeating plastic pollution.
Myrtle the Turtle needs your help defeating plastic pollution.
Environment Oregon launched a Kickstarter campaign to self-publish our book, “Myrtle the Turtle,” about a young sea turtle in the Pacific Ocean who mistakes a plastic bag for a jellyfish. The campaign set a goal of $10,000 to account for printing costs, shipping, and donating 100 copies of the book to children at environmental education events across the state—and we reached it with several days to spare!
“This book is meant to educate kids—and grown-ups—about a very real and striking problem happening in our oceans, and challenge them to do their part to protect Myrtle and other ocean creatures” wrote Environment Oregon State Director Celeste Meiffren-Swango in her blog post about the launch. “Because we all know, when kids set their mind to something, nothing can stop them.”
We’ve known for decades that plastic pollution is harming wildlife, and now Myrtle is calling for help from readers to keep her ocean home safe and beautiful.
Photo: Myrtle the Turtle mistakes a plastic bag for a jellyfish and now needs your help to defeat plastic pollution. Credit: Environment Oregon