Jessie Kochaver
Environment Oregon Research & Policy Center
Portland — Oregon ranks 19th in the nation for growth in solar power generation since 2011 according to a new report released today by Environment Oregon Research & Policy Center. Renewables on the Rise 2021: The rapid growth of renewables, electric vehicles and other building blocks of a clean energy future documents the growth of six key clean energy technologies across the U.S. over the past decade: solar power, wind power, battery storage, energy efficiency, electric vehicles and heat pumps. Oregon has seen a 2,736% or 28.4-fold increase in the amount of electricity it gets from the sun since 2011. This analysis comes on the heels of Oregon’s commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2040, tying for the fastest statewide timeline to reach clean power.
“Oregon has not only joined the ranks of states that are committing to the renewable powered future we need, but is leading the charge. While this commitment came only months ago, Oregon is among the top 20 leading states in renewable energy, and is poised to catch up with the leaders at the front of the pack as we work to turn our 100% commitment into reality,” said Jessie Kochaver, Climate Associate with Environment Oregon Research and Policy Center. “Oregonians can look forward to a cleaner, healthier future, thanks to our state’s leadership in clean energy.”
Beyond top-ranking growth in solar energy, Oregon has also seen a 79% increase in wind power since 2011. Strong and supportive policies, combined with improving technologies and falling prices played a key role in Oregon additionally seeing a 5,983% increase in EV sales in the last decade.
In addition to highlighting states that have made the most progress in adopting renewable energy technologies, the research also details the rapid gains achieved nationally over the past decade. According to the report, America produced almost four times as much renewable electricity from the sun and the wind in 2020 as in 2011. Additionally, if wind, solar and geothermal generation continue growing at the same 15% annual rate, renewables could meet the nation’s electricity needs by 2035.
“Millions of Americans and Oregonians are already reaping the benefits of the dramatic clean energy progress we’ve made so far,” Kochaver said. “But, we’ll need to keep working hard to transform the vision of 100% clean and renewable energy for Oregon into a reality.”
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