Will Oregon become the 13th state to help save the bees?
States are stepping up to regulate harmful neonicotinoid pesticides. Learn how policies vary and their impact on pollinator protection.
We are working to save the bees - from asking Amazon to stop selling bee-killing pesticides to sharing bee-friendly garden tips - and you can help.
Bees play a crucial role in our lives. But as our society uses more pesticides, their populations are plummeting. Fortunately, we know how to help them: protecting already-existing bee habitat, expanding habitat by planting pollinator-friendly plants in our own gardens and on public lands, and ending the worst uses of the pesticides that are killing them. Together, we can save the bees.
States are stepping up to regulate harmful neonicotinoid pesticides. Learn how policies vary and their impact on pollinator protection.
Learn more about the ways our world relies on bees.
Bees are essential to agriculture. But the way we grow food is putting bees at risk. Moving away from monoculture farming can be part of the solution.
Here are 10 examples of how our advocates won positive results for the public and the planet in 2023.
You can find jug after jug of bee-killing neonic pesticides for sale on Amazon’s virtual shelves.
Senior Director, Conservation America Campaign, Environment America