Does offshore wind actually kill birds?
Offshore wind turbines can harm birds – thankfully, we have solutions that can minimize harm and maximize wind’s benefits
America has an almost unlimited resource of wind blowing off our coasts and across our lands, and we can use it to power more of our lives.
Wind power is a key ingredient for a clean and renewable energy future. It’s a huge new harvest from America’s fields, farms and coasts. America produced enough wind energy to power 35 million typical homes in 2021 – 2.7 times as much wind energy as in 2012.
Offshore wind turbines can harm birds – thankfully, we have solutions that can minimize harm and maximize wind’s benefits
In 2021, the Lone Star State produced enough electricity from wind to power more than 9 million average U.S. households.
The issues and initiatives Environment Oregon takes are critical, both for understanding and combating climate change, and I’m proud to be a member.Dennis Johnson, Member, Environment Oregon
Massachusetts, Nevada, and Hawaii are developing energy storage. Here’s why that is so important.
Separating fact from fiction when it comes to offshore wind’s impacts on whales
Oregon produces over 40% more solar and wind energy than a decade ago. Find more clean energy facts here.
Data also shows significant increases in battery storage, EV registrations & charging points; highlights rapid solar growth in southeastern states
Energy Conservation & Efficiency
Oregon just received the largest investment in federal dollars from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program in the Pacific Northwest.
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