Tell state lawmakers: Phase out inefficient light bulbs that contain toxic mercury
It's time to say farewell to fluorescent bulbs.
Energy Conservation & Efficiency
Fluorescent light bulbs are inefficient compared to alternatives and contain toxic mercury. Some Oregon lawmakers are proposing to phase them out.
Oregon will join California and Vermont in phasing out fluorescent lighting, if legislation introduced this week becomes law.
HB2531 sponsored by Rep. Pam Marsh would prohibit the sale or distribution of compact fluorescent lamps on or after January 1, 2024, replacing them with longer-lasting and more efficient alternatives like LEDs.
LEDs use approximately half the electricity as fluorescent bulbs to produce the same amount of light and don’t contain mercury.
Oregon consumers stand to save $49 million in energy costs by 2030 if the bill passes with a 2025 implementation date, according to analysis conducted by the Appliance Standards Awareness Project. The same analysis reports the policy can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 45 thousand metric tons, and reduce mercury pollution.
“Saying farewell to fluorescents will protect public health and reduce energy waste,” said Celeste Meiffren-Swango, State Director of Environment Oregon.
It's time to say farewell to fluorescent bulbs.