One hundredth cosponsor signs onto legislation to transition to 100% renewable energy

Only seven months into the current two-year state legislative session, the 100th cosponsor signed onto PennEnvironment’s 100 percent renewable energy bill.

State Rep. Wendi Thomas (Bucks County) added her name in late July to become cosponsor number 100.

“Momentum for 100 percent renewable energy is building throughout the nation,” noted Flora Cardoni, PennEnvironment Climate Defender director. “When we look back on who had the political will to do what it takes to protect our planet from global warming, this group of legislators will be recognized for their work in Pennsylvania.”

Pennsylvania’s 100 percent renewable energy legislation has bipartisan support in both chambers, and is only a handful of cosponsors away from having majority support in both the House and Senate.

Hawaii, California, New Mexico, Washington state, Maine, Nevada and New York have all passed similar legislation and similar bills have been introduced in Colorado, Maryland and Massachusetts.

Read more. 

Photo: PennEnvironment’s Flora Cardoni (center) was joined by hundreds of citizens and legislators at a rally for 100 percent renewable energy. Credit: Garen Meguerian