PennEnvironment 2014 Endorsements
With the gas drilling industry, coal companies, and other polluters spending enormous amounts of campaign cash on the upcoming election, it is more important than ever that Pennsylvania voters support candidates who share our environmental values and who will protect our air, our water, our special places and our families’ health. On November 4th, the choice for Pennsylvanians and the planet is clear. These strong environmental candidates deserve our vote on Election Day.
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Tom Wolf
PennEnvironment proudly endorses Tom Wolf for Governor of Pennsylvania. Tom Wolf has clearly set forth a plan that will help protect Pennsylvania’s environment. This includes his vocal support for re-establishing a moratorium to stop further leasing of Pennsylvania’s state forests and state parks for fracking and gas drilling. Tom Wolf has also made it clear that he believes that we must significantly slash global warming pollution in Pennsylvania by repowering the state with renewable energy and energy efficiency. Lastly, his opponent Gov. Corbett has been arguably the worst environmental governor in recent history—receiving an F from PennEnvironment on our recent environmental report card. For these reasons, PennEnvironment is proud to announce its endorsement of Tom Wolf for governor in 2014.
U.S. Congress
Brendan Boyle – U.S. House of Representatives, PA District 13
PennEnvironment is confident that Brendan Boyle will continue his strong record as an environmental champion in the U.S. Congress. As a member of the state legislature, Brendan has been an environmental leader, receiving a 100% on PennEnvironment’s 2012 Marcellus scorecard. Before and since, Brendan has supported a variety of environmental issues including trying to halt efforts to open state parks and forests to more gas drilling. For all of these reasons, PennEnvironment endorses Brendan Boyle for election for Congress in the 13th Congressional District.
Matt Cartwright – U.S. House of Representatives, PA District 17
Matt Cartwright will continue being a top environmental champion for Pennsylvania and his 17th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Cartwright has advocated aggressively for closing loopholes that exempt Marcellus Shale gas drilling from the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act in order to protect public health and our environment. He has publicly applauded the decision by the Pennsylvania state Supreme Court to overturn provisions of Act 13—Pennsylvania’s controversial and disastrous gas drilling law. To address global warming and reduce our reliance on oil, Congressman Cartwright has been a vocal supporter of improved public transportation systems and lauded EPA’s efforts to cut global warming pollution from power plants. PennEnvironment is confident that Matt Cartwright’s ongoing leadership in Congress will lead to a healthier environment for his constituents—and for all Pennsylvanians. For these reasons, PennEnvironment proudly endorses Matthew Cartwright for the U.S. House of Representatives.
Manan Trivedi – U.S. House of Representatives, PA District 6
As a physician, Manan Trivedi is acutely aware of the need for strong policies that will protect our environment—as well as our health. Manan has championed numerous policies that will help defend Pennsylvanians against dangerous fracking and gas drilling, to reduce air and water pollution, and to implement federal policies to tackle climate change. Electing Manan Trivedi is critical to moving America forward on protecting Pennsylvania’s streams and rivers from pollution, and stimulating national action on critical environmental issues such as global warming. For these reasons, PennEnvironment proudly endorses Manan Trivedi for the U.S. House of Representatives.
Tom Houghton – U.S. House of Representatives, PA District 16
PennEnvironment endorses Tom Houghton for the U.S. House of Representatives. Tom has long been an environmental leader as a township official and state Representative. During his time in office as a state representative, Tom received a 100% PennEnvironment scorecard rating. At the local and state level, Tom worked aggressively to preserve Pennsylvania’s family farmlands and incredible natural heritage, supporting increased funding for the programs that protect these iconic places in the state. And Tom has made promoting clean energy like wind and solar—and standing up to dirty energy sources—a cornerstone of his policy priorities. Sadly, Tom Houghton’s opponent, incumbent Congressman Joseph Pitts, has received a 2% lifetime environmental score on PennEnvironment’s congressional scorecard. PennEnvironment is proud to endorse Tom Houghton for Congress.
State Legislature (incumbents in italics)
State House of Representatives:
• Rep. Dan Frankel for the 23rd district
• Rep. Dan Miller for the 42nd district
State House of Representatives:
• Frederick Sheeler for the 5th district
• Rep. Mark Rozzi for the 126th district
State Senate:
• Kimberly Rose for the 6th district
• Ruth Damsker for the 12th district (also in Montgomery)
State House of Representatives:
• Rep. Eugene DiGirolamo for the 18th district
• Rep. Steve Santarsiero for the 31st district
• Karen Chellew for the 145th district
State House of Representatives:
• Patty Borger for the 122nd district
State House of Representatives:
• Rep. Scott Conklin for the 77th district
State Senate:
• John Kane for the 26th district (also in Delaware)
State House of Representatives:
• Ann Schott, for the 13th district (also in Lancaster)
• Sandra Snyder for the 156th district
• Marian Moskowitz for the 157th district (also in Montgomery)
• Susan Rzucidlo for the 158th district
• Whitney Hoffman for the 160th district (also in Delaware)
• Anne Crowley for the 167th district
State House of Representatives:
• Gene Stilp for the 104th district (also in Lebanon)
State Senate:
• John Kane for the 26th district (also in Chester)
State House of Representatives:
• Rep. Margo Davidson for the 146th district
• Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland for the 159th district
• Whitney Hoffman for the 160th district (also in Chester)
• Leanne Krueger-Braneky for the 161st district
• Vince Rongione for the 163rd district
• Rep. Greg Vitali for the 166th district (also in Montgomery)
• Rep. Maria Donatucci for the 185th district (also in Philadelphia)
State House of Representatives:
• Rep. Pat Harkins for the 1st district
• Curt Smith for the 4th district
State Senate:
• Deb Kula for 32nd district (also in Somerset/Westmoreland)
State House of Representatives:
• Ann Schott for the 13th district (also in Chester)
• Rep. Mike Sturla for the 96th district
State House of Representatives:
• Gene Stilp for the 104th district (also in Dauphin)
State House of Representatives:
• Peter Schweyer for the 22nd district
• Mike Beyer for the 131st district (also in Montgomery/Northampton)
• Rep. Mike Schlossberg for the 132nd district
State House of Representatives:
• Eileen Cipriani for the 120th district
State House of Representatives:
• Rep. Rick Mirabito for the 83rd district
• Kristen Hayes for the 84th district (also in Union)
State Senate:
• Art Haywood for the 4th district (also in Philadelphia)
• Ruth Damsker for the 12th district (also in Bucks)
State House of Representatives:
• Dottie Miller for the 53rd district
• Rep. Matt Bradford for the 70th district
• Mike Beyer for the 131st district (also in Lehigh/Northampton)
• Rep. Mark Painter for the 146th district
• Rep. Mary Jo Daley for the 148th district
• Rep. Tim Briggs for the 148th district
• David McKenzie for the 150th district
• Rep. Tom Murt for the 152nd district (also in Philadelphia)
• Rep. Madeleine Dean for the 153rd district
• Rep. Steve McCarter for the 154th district
• Marian Moskowitz for the 157th district (also in Chester)
• Rep. Greg Vitali for the 166th district (also in Delaware)
• Rep. Pam DeLissio for the 194th district (also in Philadelphia)
State Senate:
• Mark Aurand for the 40th district (also in Northampton)
State House of Representatives:
• Maureen Madden for the 115th district
• Hope Smith for the 176th district
• Liz Forrest for the 189th district (also in Pike)
State Senate:
• Mark Aurand for the 40th district (also in Monroe)
State House of Representatives:
• Mike Beyer for the 131st district (also in Lehigh/Montgomery)
• Rep. Steve Samuelson for the 135th district
• Rep. Robert Freeman for the 136th district
State Senate:
• Art Haywood for the 4th district (also in Montgomery)
State House of Representatives:
• Rep. Tom Murt for the 152nd district (also in Montgomery)
• Rep. Brendan Boyle for the 170th district
• Mike Driscoll for the 173rd district
• Rep. Brian Sims for the 182nd district
• Rep. Maria Donatucci for the 185th district (also in Delaware)
• Rep. James Roebuck for the 188th district
• Rep. Pam DeLissio for the 194th district (also in Montgomery)
• Rep. Cherelle Parker for the 200th district
• Rep. Stephen Kinsey for the 201st district
• Rep. Mark Cohen for the 202nd district
State House of Representatives:
• Liz Forrest for the 189th district (also in Monroe)
State Senate:
• Deb Kula for 32nd district (also in Fayette/Westmoreland)
State House of Representatives:
• Kristen Hayes for the 84th district (also in Lycoming)
State Senate:
• Deb Kula for 32nd district (also in Fayette/Somerset)
State House of Representatives:
• Rep. Kevin Schreiber for the 95th district