Lina Blount
PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center
[Philadelphia, PA ] — Today the citizen-based environmental advocacy group PennEnvironment released its newest study, Frack Attack which showed the far-reaching threat that gas drilling poses to parks, forests and public lands across Pennsylvania.
PennEnvironment’s new report unveils five beloved parks and forests that are endangered by the threat of encroaching fracking, or have already been opened up to gas development and are exhibiting the environmental damage that predictably ensued.
“Pennsylvanians from every walk of life and all ends of the political spectrum love our parks, forests and public lands,” said Lina Blount, Field Associate from PennEnvironment. “We cannot allow our elected officials to use them as cash cows and leave a legacy of irreparable harm to these places we love. They need to be protected for our kids and future generations of Pennsylvanians who should be able to enjoy them as well.”
The five threatened public places highlighted in the report include:
“With so much private land being developed and drilled, the state forests are quickly becoming a last refuge for species requiring pristine headwater streams and large blocks of intact habitat. And many of our state parks and forests protect the sources of the clean water upon which we depend for drinking, recreation, and for wildlife,” said Paul Zeph, Director of Conservation for Audubon Pennsylvania. “We need to say ‘no more’ to damage to our forests. Say ‘no more’ to leasing our state lands.”
Some of the most egregious attacks on Pennsylvania’s parks and forests have come from Harrisburg, as the state legislature and Governor Corbett have repeatedly pressed to open up more state forests—and for the first time ever state parks—to harmful fracking.
All told, 700,000 acres of state forestland is available for drilling due to either privately owned oil and gas rights, or because of acreage leased by PA-DCNR. Gov. Corbett has been a longtime proponent of lifting the moratorium on fracking in the Delaware River watershed, a move that would greatly threaten the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, a beloved part of the U.S. National Park System.
John Norbeck, vice president of Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future said “during his campaign, Governor-elect Wolf talked about a much more long-term and environmentally conscious view on the value our natural resources brings to Pennsylvania and its public lands. We are optimistic that the environmental community can work with the new administration and legislature to not only protect but to enhance our public lands. These lands help define who we are as Pennsylvanians and must be treated as such.”
In the spring of 2014, Gov. Corbett went even further and announced his plan to lift the moratorium on leasing more state forestland acreage for fracking, and for the first time ever to open up Pennsylvania’s state parks to drilling.
In the summer of 2014, the Republican-led legislature approved a state budget that required raising nearly $100 million from opening up more state parks and forests to fracking—putting the pressure on state conservation officials to handover more public lands to drilling companies to fill state coffers.
Governor elect Wolf has pledged to reinstate the moratorium on further leasing in state forestlands and halting any leasing in state parks, restoring critical protections for these public lands.
“I applaud governor elect Wolf on his pledge to reinstate the moratorium on further leasing of state lands for gas drilling,” said Representative Greg Vitali. “Hopefully this includes terminating Corbett’s recent $90M lease plan. I also applaud Wolf’s pledge to attempt to protect Loyalsock state forest.”
“State leadership under Governor Corbett left many of our most precious parks and forests on the chopping block,” said Lina Blount. “We’re look forward to working with Governor-elect Wolf who made protecting the parks and forests loved by millions of Pennsylvanians a cornerstone of his campaign.”