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"That savings of more than $500 a month has allowed this congregation to think of making a more sustainable, more long term commitment to the families and the children of this community" Dave Carver, Pastor, First United Presbyterian Church
I think it is important to educate people about steps they can take to create positive changes in our community. Liesel Dreisbach-Williams, Program coordinator for the Nurture Nature Center
It isn't hard to have a building created like this one that makes more energy than they use on a routine basis Dr. Patricia DeMarco, Scholar, Author, and Environmental Advocate
Doing the job of "tikkun olam" – doing the repair work to heal the brokenness in our planetary systems Rabbi Nathan Martin, Rabbi, Congregation Beth Israel
There is no better time to start incorporating sustainable energy into our lives. And I’m very glad that I have the opportunity to make PA more sustainable for the future. Clara Jane Mack and Teora Milson, PennEnvironment Summer Interns