The climate crisis is important because the future of the next generation depends on how we act now.

Liesel Dreisbach-Williams
Program coordinator for the Nurture Nature Center

Clean energy

Liesel Dreisbach-Williams is the program coordinator of the non-profit Nurture Nature Center in Easton, Pennsylvania. During a recent interview she shared why she cares about clean energy. 

“My husband and I had solar panels installed on our house this past summer. The panels are inexpensive and reliable and also help us feel involved in the renewable energy movement.

“With Pennsylvania being so behind on involvement in renewable energies, I think it is important to educate people about steps they can take, like installing solar, to create positive changes in our community.” 

Liesel also mentioned the role of clean energy in addressing climate change saying, “I believe the climate crisis is important because the future of the next generation depends on how we act now.”

The Nurture Nature Center is a non-profit dedicated to engaging the public in learning about environmental risks. 


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