Ashleigh Deemer
Former Deputy Director, PennEnvironment
Former Deputy Director, PennEnvironment
We need Allegheny County’s leaders to prioritize environmental protection and public health.
That’s why Pittsburgh region organizations and leaders have come together to create and endorse this Green Allegheny Issue & Policy Agenda. This document is intended to inform local leaders about policy solutions that will help solve the biggest threats to Allegheny County’s environment and public health.
The issue briefs and policy recommendations in the Green Allegheny Issue & Policy Agenda have been compiled by advocates and experts who specifically work to solve these problems in the Pittsburgh region. Across these broad categories of concern, the organizations endorsing this document urge leaders to carry out these recommendations with transparency and accountability, engaging our groups and communities in these solutions, and publicly reporting progress on these issues annually.
Home to more than 1.2 million people, Allegheny County has an abundance of natural amenities that make the region special. From our iconic Three Rivers to our beautiful county parks, our natural environment enhances residents’ quality of life and makes this a great place to live, work and visit.
Our rivers and other natural resources have also served as the foundation for the industrial heritage that built both Pittsburgh and the nation. While these industries have polluted our air and water for more than a century, it was a sacrifice many previous generations were willing to make to build wealth and the middle class.
That choice has had devastating consequences for our environment and public health. Air pollution in Allegheny County is responsible for asthma rates in some communities that are three times higher than the national average, elevated incidences of multiple cancers, and excess deaths from coronary heart disease.,, At the same time, thousands of kids in Allegheny County test positive for are found to have lead poisoning every year. Climate change is causing record-setting rainfalls and extreme weather events that have overburdened Allegheny County’s aging infrastructure and put lives and property at risk. And our rivers continue to be polluted by billions of gallons of runoff, untreated sewage and industrial pollution annually.
Thankfully, Allegheny County no longer needs to make a choice between prosperity and a clean and healthy environment. In fact, we have an opportunity to solve many of our region’s most profound environmental and health challenges, while building a local economy at the forefront of energy efficiency, clean energy, modern infrastructure, preserving our great public lands and county parks, and prioritizing environmental remediation and protection.
Allegheny County’s air has consistently ranked among the nation’s most polluted. In 2020, Pittsburgh had 57 days of elevated ozone and/or particulate matter pollution. And the American Lung Association’s 2022 State of the Air report gave Allegheny County F’s for short-term particulate pollution and ozone pollution.
Across Allegheny County, more than 25,000 children suffer from asthma. In some school districts in close proximity to industrial polluters, as many as 22.5% of school kids have asthma. This is nearly triple the national average of 8%.
Our local air pollution includes cancer-causing chemicals, neurotoxins, particulate matter (soot), and smog. Exposure to ozone and particulate pollution has been linked to premature death, damage to respiratory and cardiovascular systems, worsened mental health and neural functioning, reproductive health challenges and more.
Moreover, PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center’s Toxic Ten report found that more than 60% of the toxic industrial air pollution reported to the Environmental Protection Agency in Allegheny County comes from just ten facilities. These ten facilities release almost a million pounds of toxic air pollution annually.
The good news is that studies show that we can improve local health when we reduce these pollution levels. In one particularly stark example, the Allegheny County Health Department found that emergency room visits for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were reduced by 37.9%, while emergency department visits for heart attacks and strokes decreased by 26.5% in the year following the closure of the Shenango Coke Plant on Neville Island.
In addition to health benefits, when polluters are required to take action to reduce air pollution, studies show that our economy and our workforce benefit. Afterall, air pollution control equipment must be manufactured, installed, and operated by people. In 2018, the United States’ environmental technologies and services industry employed 1.6 million people, with jobs in manufacturing, skilled trades, construction, project management and engineers. Case studies show that local environmental regulation increases labor demand.
Allegheny County officials must address the region’s air quality problems swiftly and successfully. The good news is that local officials have the tools to do just that: the Allegheny County Health Department is empowered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce the Clean Air Act in the region and enact more stringent local regulations to protect public health.
In order to tackle the region’s air pollution crisis, leaders in Allegheny County should support the following:
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Climate change is the existential crisis of our lifetime. And over the last decade, the impacts of climate change have become clear to people living in the Pittsburgh region. Record-setting rainfalls and more extreme weather events have pushed our aging infrastructure and public safety to the brink, including flash floods that have put people’s lives at risk and landslides that endanger homes, roads and other infrastructure.
If nothing is done to slow climate change, the Union of Concerned Scientists predicts that by 2050, Allegheny County will experience 55 days a year with a heat index above 90 (compared to 12 as of 2019). These extreme heat events can trap pollution and allergens, which can make asthma worse for the many asthma sufferers in Allegheny County. More broadly, extreme heat is a top cause of weather-related deaths, though it doesn’t impact everyone equally. Many people cannot afford to cool their homes, and urban areas typically get hotter and stay hot longer due to lack of tree cover and surfaces that absorb and radiate heat.
We can have safer and healthier communities and a livable future for generations to come — but to get there, we need to transform the way we produce and consume energy. That means a major effort to conserve energy and use it more efficiently, and a quick and steady transition to clean, renewable sources of energy to meet our needs here in Allegheny County and beyond.
Happily, the transition to energy efficiency and clean renewable energy also comes with economic benefits for our region. Clean Energy is one of the fastest growing sectors in Pennsylvania and Allegheny County is home to nearly 13,000 of these jobs. The majority of these local jobs are in the energy efficiency sector, which importantly, requires local skilled labor and cannot be outsourced. Seventy-six percent of Pennsylvania’s energy efficiency businesses are small, with fewer than 20 employees.
In order to tackle climate change in Allegheny County, candidates and local elected officials should support the following:
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Nothing we use for 5 minutes should pollute our communities and our environment for decades and centuries to come. Americans generate more than 35 million tons of plastic waste each year and less than 10% gets recycled. In addition to burdening our neighborhoods and roadsides with litter, plastics threaten wildlife, our waterways, and our climate.
Over time, plastic bags and other products break down into microplastics, which can contain chemicals linked to cancer and hormone disruption. More and more, these microplastics are being found in our drinking water, Pittsburgh’s Three Rivers, the fish we eat, and even the air we breathe. Single-use plastics also increase the demand for fuels like fracked gas and increase the risks to our air and water that accompany its extraction. Creating new plastic is also emissions-intense, and without changing course, emissions from plastics production and incineration could amount to 56 gigatons of carbon between now and 2050 – or almost 50 times the annual emissions of all of the coal fired power plants in the U.S.
The most effective way to reduce plastic waste and emissions is to implement policies that dramatically reduce the use of unnecessary plastics in our communities. To date, 14 Pennsylvania municipalities, including Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, have banned the use of single-use plastic bags. More than 16% of Pennsylvania’s population now lives in a community where single-use plastic bags are banned, saving nearly 1,000 tons of plastic annually. But there is also much we can do to improve solid waste management in our communities to ensure that recycling services are available and contributing to a zero-waste economy.
In addition to its environmental benefits, the recycling industry added $22.6 billion to Pennsylvania’s economy in 2015 alone, directly employing more than 66,000 people statewide, while stimulating almost 110,000 indirect jobs.
To reduce waste, bolster recycling, and move us toward a zero-waste economy, local leaders should:
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Allegheny County’s rivers and streams make this region special. They’re why Pittsburgh was founded here, and they have played a central role in the growth and development of this region for centuries. And now, since the passage of the Clean Water Act fifty years ago, our riverfronts have become scenic places for recreation. Unfortunately, the rivers still aren’t as clean as they should be, and they are not meeting the original aims of the Clean Water Act, thanks to stormwater runoff, combined sewer overflows, and industrial pollution.
Currently, across Allegheny county, rain runs off of impervious surfaces such as roads, parking lots and rooftops and into the wastewater system, where it mixes with raw sewage. In Pennsylvania, annual precipitation totals from 2000 to 2020 were nearly 5 inches higher than the period 1971 to 2000. This influx of excess stormwater, coupled with an aging sewer system, results in untreated sewage being frequently released into the region’s streams and rivers.
Heavy industry, largely responsible for our region’s dirty air, is also polluting our water. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2020 Toxic Release Inventory, industrial polluters in Pennsylvania dumped 5,861,055 pounds of toxic chemicals into Pennsylvania’s waterways – the 12th largest amount of any state or territory in the country. The Lower Monongahela Watershed was ranked #21 in the country for having among the largest amounts of toxic pollution, primarily due to U.S. Steel’s Clairton Coke Works. According to U.S. Steel’s own data, the Clairton Works released more than 2 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the Lower Monongahela watershed – the largest amount from any single facility in the state.
Our region’s leaders have tools to reduce runoff and combined sewer overflows, and they have the position from which to advocate for state and federal laws and enforcement to restrict pollution from industrial sources.
To protect the quality of Allegheny County’s rivers and streams, Allegheny County officials should:
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Wasting Our Waterways(PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center- 2022)
Clean Water for the Three Rivers (Environment America Research & Policy Center – 2022)
Whether in our homes or in our communities, people in Allegheny County are exposed to toxic metals and chemicals that are often present in water, paint, and soil.
Lead is a potent neurotoxin, and childhood exposure to even small amounts of lead can result in lifelong cognitive and behavioral challenges. Lead poisoning is irreversible, but preventable. Between 2015 and 2021, 2,927 young children were identified for having elevated blood lead levels in Allegheny County (referenced as 5µ/dL or greater) . Unfortunately, there are major disparities in these numbers — four times more children of color were found to have lead poisoning than non-hispanic white children in 2018.
Kids are exposed to lead when they come in contact with chipping, cracking, peeling lead paint and lead dust, lead in soil, and lead in drinking water. Lead has been detected in 80% of Allegheny County water systems, most of which are publicly owned. This is because lead pipes, solder and fittings were commonplace until they were prohibited by the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1986. Because many water systems now exceed the Environmental Protection Agency’s standard for lead in drinking water, lead pipes are gradually being replaced across Allegheny County, with the majority of replacement occuring in the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority service area.
Beyond water, kids are exposed to lead paint and dust in their homes and communities. With 80% of the County’s housing stock built before 1978 (the year lead was banned from paint) and an industrial past that deposited lead in our soils, it’s no surprise that we are seeing these numbers of lead poisoned children in Allegheny County. To keep kids safe and healthy, we must reduce opportunities for lead exposure in homes and our broader community.
PFAS are called “forever chemicals” because they persist in the environment and the human body. Even small exposures to PFAS have been linked to serious health problems, including kidney and liver disease, birth defects and cancer. PFAS includes more than 12,000 different chemicals, which are added to many consumer products for their grease- and water-resistant properties.
Incredibly, one in three Pennsylvania drinking water systems exceed the EPA’s recommended limits for these chemicals. Four drinking water systems in Allegheny County were tested in 2021, and two of those were found to have contamination above the EPA’s recommended health limit. This contamination is suspected to be from thousands of gallons of PFAS fire-fighting foams that were used on military bases at the Pittsburgh International Airport, as well as firefighting training academies and likely spread beyond the property. Many local water systems and private wells have not been tested for PFAS chemicals. Pennsylvania has now enacted a rule that limits perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) to 18 parts per trillion and 14 parts per trillion, respectively.
To protect the public health and reduce exposures to toxic lead and PFAS contamination, local officials should:
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Allegheny County is home to ample parks and green space, including 9 County regional parks, covering 12,000 acres of forest, lakes, trails, and developed recreation areas. Nearly 76% of the parks’ land area is covered with trees, and the parks have more than 100 miles of trails. These spaces provide important opportunities for recreation and relaxation, while serving as habitat for wildlife, capturing carbon, mitigating air pollution, and capturing stormwater. Survey data from the Allegheny County Parks Foundation shows that 92% of respondents see the parks as having a role in conserving the environment, and 87% percent of respondents say the parks improve their mental and physical health.
In 2022, Allegheny County Council took the long-overdue step of banning fracking in County parks. This is important, because fracking has been allowed underneath Deer Lakes Park in the past, which resulted in the contamination of nearby waterways that eventually flow to the Allegheny River.
But more must be done to eliminate threats to our parks and maximize access for residents.
To fully protect and expand access to Allegheny County’s parks, local officials should:
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Former Deputy Director, PennEnvironment