Marcellus Shale News Wire
A Collection of Marcellus Shale and Gas Drilling Articles from Pennsylvania and Beyond
PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center
Houston Chronicle
Marcellus Shale Becoming Top US Gas Field
By Kevin Begos
August 5, 2012
New data suggests that the Marcellus Shale formation is set to become the most productive natural gas field in the country. However, questions and concerns surround whether or not this productivity will serve to benefit the majority. A majority of the bounty may be exported, and “resource curse” will occur. This is when the general population hardly benefits, but a few become very rich.
Huffington Post
Fracking-Earthquake Connection Suggested in New Study
By Charles Choi
August 7, 2012
Fluid injections into the ground, which occurs during the process of hydraulic fracturing, may be more closely related to triggering earthquakes than previously thought. Recent studies are suggesting that natural gas wells may trigger earthquakes in instances when the fluid reaches and relieves friction on a nearby fault. The Marcellus Shale along the East Coast has yet to be closely studied with relation to earthquakes.
US Politics Today
Hydraulic Fracturing Poses Substantial Water Pollution Risk, Analysts Say
By Steve Gibb
August 6 2012
Risk analysts have concluded that the disposal of contaminated wastewater from hydraulic fracturing wells producing natural gas in the intensively developed Marcellus Shale region poses a substantial potential risk of river and other water pollution. That conclusion, the analysts say, calls for regulators and others to consider additional mandatory steps to reduce the potential of drinking water contamination from salts and naturally occurring radioactive materials, such as uranium, radium and radon from the rapidly expanding fracking industry.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Municipalities Challenging Act 13 Join Request for Speedy Decision From Supreme Court
By Laura Olson
August 6, 2012
Lawyers for the municipalities challenging Act 13 have joined state officials in asking the state Supreme Court for an expedited review of the Commonwealth Court’s ruling that part of the new law is unconstitutional. The overturned provision would have required drilling activity to be allowed in all zoning districts, including residential areas. It was determined this went too far in outlining what a municipality can and cannot do regarding local rules for gas drilling.
Amsterdam News
Governor Cuomo, Stop Fracking Around With Our Health
By State Sen. Bill Perkins
August 10, 2012
New York State Senator Bill Perkins writes in opposition to hydraulic fracturing. He explains that New York City residents, and future generations, have a tremendous stake in whether Gov. Andrew Cuomo allows tracking in New York. The dangerous method of natural gas drilling threatens our water, air, food and health and should be banned statewide. The job creation claims are wildly overblown, as they would be temporary and not worth the long-term implications for the environment and human health.
Philadelphia Inquirer
PA Environmental Chief Locks Horns with Activists
By Andrew Maykuth
August 6, 212
Michael Krancer, Gov. Corbett’s chief environmental regulator, has been accused of “name calling and bullying” with critics of the state’s oversight of the Marcellus Shale gas boom.
Reporter News
Gas Drilling Research Suffers From Lack of Funding
By Kevin Begos
August 5, 2012
Lack of funding to examine the impacts of hydraulic fracturing may lead to a series of lawsuits, some experts say. In June, a house committee turned down an Obama administration request to fund $4.25 million in research on how drilling may affect water quality. Last spring, Pennsylvania cut $2 million of funding that included a statewide health registry to track respiratory problems, skin conditions, stomach ailments and other illnesses potentially related to gas drilling.