Marcellus Shale Newswire 07/22/2011
Vol. 2, Issue 19
A Collection of Marcellus Shale and Gas Drilling Articles from Pennsylvania and Beyond
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Rules OK’d for gas facilities in South Fayette
By Andrea Iglar
July 21, 2011
Officials in South Fayette approved regulations for facilities that prepare Marcellus shale gas for transportation and sale. Operators now have to meet requirements regarding roads, security, noise, and other public health issues. However, residents are still concerned that the regulations do not protect them from noise and air pollution. Board president of the Allegheny Defense Fund said that operators need to be required to test for air quality and noise levels before construction.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Wilkinsburg council bans fracking from borough limits
By Pamela Walck
July 20, 2011
Wilkinsburg just banned Marcellus Shale gas drilling within its borders after a Borough council meeting on Wednesday. Council Vice President Jason Cohn said, “It’s great that we are passing this, but it doesn’t end our responsibilities. I don’t knowif there is a lot more we can do, but we need to see how we can continue to protect our citizens.”
Harrisburg WITF
Scarnati says Marcellus Shale commission delayed action on impact fee
By Mary Wilson
July 21, 2011–house–sound–bites/scarnati–says-marcellus–shale–commission–delayed–action–on–impact–fee
Senate President Pro Temp Joe Scarnati was one of the strongest advocates of an impact fee in June when it was up for debate until Governor Corbett shot it down. Now with the Marcellus Shale Commission’s report reaching Gov. Corbett’s desk, Scarnati is concerned that the report is not going to change anything, “Look, I’m not a commission advocate,” Scarnati said, “…bottom line is , I’m the one that’s gotta vote on the bill.”
Pitsburgh Post-Gazette
City drilling ban seems a shallow debate
By Brian O’Neill
July 21, 2011
Even though the oil and gas industries and city council think that the ban of drilling in Pittsburgh is a good idea, the issue is now up for debate if this ban will last for a prolonged period of time. Councilman Doug Shields wants the ban placed in the city charter since the Marcellus Shale Coalition attacked the drilling ban. Range Resources stated, however, that even without the ban they would not consider drilling within the city for cost reasons.
Delaware County Daily Times
‘No tax pledge’ continue to influence impact fee debate
By Caleb Taylor
July 22, 2011…
“Gov. Corbett is ceding power to Grover Norquist” on the issue of a severence tax according to a spokesman with the Pennsylvania Democratic party. Gov. Corbett does not want to go against his pledge of not raising taxes even though 70 percent of Pennyslvanians support the implementation of a tax or fee.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Citizens group sues shale driller
By Andrew Maykuth
July 21, 2011
Citizents for Pennsylvania’s Future field a federal suit against a Marcellus Shale gas driller for violating air pollution laws. PennFuture claims that Ultra Resources Inc. is emitting large amounts of nitrogen oxide from wells in Tioga and Potter Counties.