Two PennEnvironment summer interns talk about why they support clean energy tax credits, especially as young people who learned about climate change early in school.
“I can remember the first time that I learned about different kinds of energy sources,” said summer intern Clara Jane Mack. “Researching fossil fuel made me learn a lot about how much coal we have left and the harmful effects it has on the planet. It also made me realize that not all energy sources are created equal.
“Now that I’m older, I like to make more sustainable choices, especially with my energy. One big example that I think of is the fact that I am a proud hybrid car owner. Having a hybrid car means that I have good fuel efficiency and am driving a cleaner vehicle for the planet.
“There is no better time to start incorporating sustainable energy into our lives. And I’m very glad that I have the opportunity to make PA more sustainable for the future.”
Our interns work with us because they care about environmental issues, especially when they experience the consequences of climate change in their own lives. Summer intern Teora Milson said, “I care about climate action because I care about my future and as storms become more violent and as air pollution becomes worse and worse, our quality of life is just going to get worse and worse.
“And that’s why I think we should switch to renewable energy, especially in a state like Pennsylvania where we’re so heavily dependent on fossil fuels that are emitting greenhouse gases that are perpetuating climate change.”
Interested in interning with PennEnvironment? You can apply here.