You have to stand up for what you believe in
Dan Jacobson
Senior Advisor, Environment California
Creating change is sort of in my DNA — if I see something wrong, I really have to stand up and try to demand change. That comes from the earliest days when my parents were involved with the civil rights movement, ending the war in Vietnam, and the consumer rights movement. Even when I was 2 or 3 years old, I was sitting at sit-ins or strolling around with my mom as she demanded change, and I’ve always known that if you want to make a change you have to stand up for what you believe in. Now that I have stepdaughters of my own, I want to do everything that we can to stave off the worst impacts of climate change and make this world better for them and for their kids.
Since my earliest days with The Public Interest Network, they’ve trained me to look at some of the most complicated problems and figure out what are the right solutions. Working at Environment California has given me such a sense of accomplishment, pride and joy — from our work on clean cars and 100% clean energy to our work protecting our most beautiful places. California is a trendsetter, and what we do here not only impacts California and the rest of the country but really the rest of the world.
Come work with me. See Environment America’s job openings.