CPS Energy Joins with Exxon, Coal Interests in Limiting Wind Energy Plan

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New Video Documents CPS Effort to Delay Ambitious Transmission Planning for Wind Power

AUSTIN – A new video released today by an environmental advocacy group documents that San Antonio utility CPS Energy is aligned with Exxon, coal companies and other big polluters to actively fight efforts to build an extensive network of transmission lines to link wind farms to Texas homes.

“You’d expect Exxon and the coal industry to block wind power, but CPS’s role in blocking an ambitious plan to expand wind power in the state is truly disappointing,” said Environment Texas Director Luke Metzger.

At issue is an upcoming decision by the Public Utilities Commission of Texas which will play a critical role in determining how much renewable energy is built in Texas in coming years. Environmental, economic development and public interest advocates, wind energy companies, more than 100 west Texas communities, and the San Antonio Express News have called for the most ambitious plan which would create transmission capacity for almost an additional 18,000 megawatts of wind and solar power. By displacing some coal-fired electricity generation, such a plan would reduce smog pollution from power plants by 13% and global warming pollution by 16%. It would also save consumers money, as expensive natural gas would be somewhat displaced by cheaper wind power, lowering the overall wholesale cost of electricity.

“CPS likes to brag about its investments in wind, but most of its money comes from burning dirty coal,” said Metzger. “Rather than support a forward-looking plan to reduce pollution and reduce the cost of energy, CPS is teaming up with other big polluters to stall Texas’ leadership in wind power.”