21st Century Energy Bill Blocked in Senate By Coal and Big Oil Allies

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Statement of Luke Metzger, Environment Texas, on Senate Cloture Vote

Yesterday, U.S. House of Representatives passed a 21st Century energy bill that would harness American ingenuity and put us on a path to cleaner, smarter new energy future.  This bill is a breakthrough on energy policy and would set the country firmly on a path to increasing clean energy, lowering energy demand, and reducing U.S. dependence on oil.

Unfortunately, this morning, a minority of Senators, led by coal and Big Oil supporters blocked forward progress on energy and bill failed to reach the 60 vote hurdle.  Senators who blocked this bill delivered an early Christmas present to big oil and dirty coal and put a lump of coal in the stockings of the American people. 

Americans should not tolerate leaders who are defending the status quo on energy.  At a time when oil prices are at more than $90 /barrel, the public deserves a 21st century clean, green energy policy that saves money at the gas pump and on energy bills. 

We are particularly disappointed that despite overwhelming public support for renewable energy and demand for cars that get better gas mileage, that the Senate has missed this opportunity to enact a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) and strengthen fuel economy standards. Both of these policies would substantially reduce global warming pollution while saving consumers money.

We hope the Senate will act again quickly (which they could do as early as Tuesday) to pass these critical energy policies and deliver a bright green holiday to America.