Environment Texas statement on appointment of Will McAdams to Public Utility Commission of Texas

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Environment Texas

AUSTIN – Today Texas Governor Abbott appointed Will McAdams to the Public Utility Commission. Environment Texas Executive Director Luke Metzger released the following statement: 
“His experience suggests he understands the electric industry. The question is, will he stand up to the industry and vigorously work to protect consumers and the environment? The PUC is a shipwreck right now. The previous commissioners disbanded the Oversight & Enforcement Division, refused to ask the Legislature for the funding they need, and oversaw the atrophy of Texas’ energy efficiency programs. Commissioner McAdams has an opportunity to right the ship and help Texas build a cleaner, more reliable electric grid. 
The Legislature will need to give the PUC the resources it needs to do its job and open an office of public engagement. They’ve been extremely underfunded. The PUCT gets $16.5 million per year. By contract, Utah’s Public Service Commission gets $26 million per year with a population 90% smaller.”