Environment Texas Endorses Lizzie Pannill Fletcher for Congress

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Environment Texas

AUSTIN – Environment Texas, which is a citizen-based environmental advocacy project of Environment America, announced today its endorsement of Lizzie Pannill Fletcher for Congress (TX07).

“Environment Texas’ members and supporters believe that defending our environment requires independent research, tough-minded advocacy, and spirited grassroots action. As a life-long Houstonian, an attorney, a civic leader, and a candidate for Congress, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher has exemplified these very ideals,” said Luke Metzger, Executive Director of Environment Texas.  

“Houstonians have persevered over the past year in response to Hurricane Harvey. And now, more than ever, we need an advocate in Congress who will prioritize critical infrastructure projects that will both protect Houston from flooding and provide sustainable transportation options. No doubt, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher will be that voice in D.C.,” said Metzger.  

“The 7th Congressional District, for too long, has been represented by someone who is no friend to clean air, clean water, open spaces, and sustainable transportation options. Lizzie’s candidacy is our best chance to turn this all around.”


Environment Texas protects the places we love, advances the value we share, and wins real results for our environment.

Paid for by Environment Texas, a project of Environment America, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contact us at:www.environmenttexas.org