Statement: $60 Million for EV charging in Texas in 2022

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Lennis Barlow

Newly announced formula funding from U.S. Department of Transportation to accelerate Texas’s EV market

Environment Texas Research and Policy Center

AUSTIN, Texas — The U.S. Department of Transportation announced Thursday that Texas is eligible to receive $60,356,706 for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in fiscal year 2022, with $407,774,759 available over the lifetime of Infrastructure law funding. This is the largest sum awarded to any state.

By way of comparison, the Volkswagen emission settlement, which is expected to bring significant growth to EV infrastructure throughout the state, is only allocating about half the amount ($30.1 million) of a single year’s Infrastructure Bill funding for EV charging buildout.

Lack of available electric vehicle charging is a major barrier preventing people from making the switch to an electric car. This new funding will create a better network of EV charging across Texas and help address global warming pollution by growing the EV market.

Environment Texas estimates that the state will need an additional 3,596 fast chargers and 51,925 Level 2 chargers by 2030 to meet anticipated demand. Level 2 chargers plug into a 240 volt outlet like a washer/dryer unit and can fully charge a vehicle in three to eight hours. In addition to installing more EV charging in Texas, policymakers can do more to bring down the upfront cost of EVs, according to Environment Texas. 

Environment Texas Clean Energy Associate Lennis Barlow issued the following statement:

“With this money flowing to Texas, we can start to build for the electric vehicle revolution we know is coming. A more prolific charging network makes it easier for people to choose to drive an electric car and feel confident they have a place to power up along the way. Texans will start seeing charging stations along highways, in state parks, in shopping centers and apartment complexes and everywhere people drive. The key to unlocking a more climate-friendly future with electric cars on every block is to make owning an EV more convenient and affordable. Restoring the electric vehicle tax credit is the next step Congress should take to ensure these cars are affordable, allowing the EV market to continue to grow.
