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Executive Director, Environment Texas
Environment Texas
We’re very pleased by the final bond package approved by City Council today. This bond package provides the vision and resources we need to protect Austin’s quality of life and environment into the future and Austinites should be excited. We are particularly thankful for the Council’s efforts on behalf of protecting Barton Springs and the Edwards Aquifer. After receiving the largest cut of any item being considered in the bond package, the Council clearly listened to the overwhelming public support for protecting the springs and increased funds to $50 million for aquifer land acquisition. The council received more than 1700 postcards, e-mails, phone calls and letters in support of more money for open space, making it perhaps the single largest commented on item in the whole package. This proposed investment couldn’t come at a more critical time for aquifer protection. City staff have warned that 7500 acres of land in the Barton Springs watershed are under imminent threat of development, jeopardizing water quality and the unique natural character of our city. Again we thank the Council for their leadership and are confident Austin voters will like what they see.…