Wind Energy: Good for Texas’ Environment. Good for Texas Consumers.
Texas is a world leader in wind energy. Wind energy has brought new jobs, new revenue for land-owners, a cleaner environment, and lower electricity prices to Texas. Texas’ leadership in wind energy is no accident – it is the result of policies such as the state’s Renewable Electricity Standard. Some, however, are now calling for Texas to reverse its commitment to wind energy because wind is making wholesale electricity too cheap – reducing the financial incentive to build new power plants.
Environment Texas Research and Policy Center
Texas is a world leader in wind energy. Wind energy has brought new jobs, new revenue for land-owners, a cleaner environment, and lower electricity prices to Texas. Texas’ leadership in wind energy is no accident – it is the result of policies such as the state’s Renewable Electricity Standard. Some, however, are now calling for Texas to reverse its commitment to wind energy because wind is making wholesale electricity
too cheap – reducing the financial incentive to build new power plants.
Texas should continue to build upon its track record of leadership in wind energy – tapping wind’s potential to clean our air,
save money for consumers, and contribute to a reliable electric grid.
Wind energy protects the environment and consumers.
• Cleaner air. Wind energy in Texas averts more than 16,000 tons of emissions of smog-forming nitrogen oxides, nearly 23,000 tons of sulfur dioxide, and 17 million tons of carbon dioxide from the state’s power sector each year – helping
Texans to breathe easier.
• Saving water. Wind energy uses no water, helping drought-plagued Texas to save 6.5 billion gallons per year, enough to serve the domestic water needs of 130,000 people.
• Lower electricity prices. Texas’ wind boom has coincided with a 26 percent decline in electricity prices over the past four years. A 2012 report by the Brattle Group found that wind energy had reduced wholesale power prices in West Texas.
Wind energy contributes to a stable electric grid.
• Greater fuel diversity. Wind energy reduces Texas’ dependence on fossil fuels such as natural gas, which are highly volatile in price.
• Reduced water dependence. Because wind energy uses no water, Texans have less reason to worry about the possibility of power plants shutting down due to drought.
• Helping out in a crisis. In 2011, when cold temperatures forced the shutdown of numerous fossil fuel-fired power plants, Texas’ wind turbines continued to generate electricity, helping to keep the lights on.