Add your voice for 1 million acres of new state parkland
State parks like Enchanted Rock and Pedernales Falls are amazing places to camp, hike and see the stars at night -- and they provide critical habitat for wildlife to live and thrive.
Texas state parks cover more than 600,000 acres. We’re calling on the state to add another million.
The state’s parks are popular — in a sense, too popular, with increasing numbers of people waiting in long lines to access the parks, if they’re not being turned away entirely. Meanwhile, every hour 10 acres of open space in Texas are gobbled up to make way for strip malls and subdivisions. The state’s parks protect some of our most iconic wildlife, but we need the size and quality of the parks to keep up with demand and as a hedge against overdevelopment.
That’s why this summer Environment Texas went door to door to canvass support for a big boost to the state’s park system. As Texas approaches the centennial of the park system in 2023, we’re calling on Gov. Greg Abbott to dedicate at least $1 billion to grow and protect state parks, including the addition of 1 million acres of parkland by 2030.
State parks like Enchanted Rock and Pedernales Falls are amazing places to camp, hike and see the stars at night -- and they provide critical habitat for wildlife to live and thrive.