Protect Our Public Lands

Is that a classroom? No, it’s prairie.

The story of a teacher using Iowa prairie as his classroom.

Kristie Burns/USFWS | Public Domain
Prairie at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge

A recent Des Moines Register story about prairie and a teacher going above and beyond caught my eye.

Mark Dorhout, a middle school teacher in my home state, has developed a prairie curriculum. To teach it, he takes students out of their traditional classrooms and brings them into nearby prairie.

Here’s one of my favorite parts: A ninth grader was so inspired by the prairie class that he urged his parents to plant prairie grasses on their farm. They did so through the Conservation Reserve Program, meaning that they received funding for their conservation efforts.

Nicely done, Mr. Dourhout. And I believe there’s a lesson here for all of us: Getting out into nature and learning from it inspires.

Read the full story here.

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